Recently I’ve been interested in debates about politics and facts I always want to be smart and cool and popular but i’m having second thoughts about that since i don’t really know why i want to be popular or smart or cool I just want to be who i am but i’m too afraid to be judged or to be insulted but there’s this one quote i read If i’m not mistaken…”it’s better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not”.

I wear PJ’s outside when i buy foods, I don’t care about how i look this days but i still feel self conscious like ‘that person is looking at me, do i look ok?’ or ‘that guy’s hot dang it’ that’s me thinking but inside it just feels like i don’t care, i never actually care the only time i care is when i think i care.

i’m not good at blog or vlogs or anything i always want to be alone with my books but when i’m with my friends i always go hyper….I love eating but i don’t like eating when someone is there. I’v always been the kind of girl who does’nt socializing but when i’m already socializing ‘i think it’s cool’ but when it’s done i’ll be like ‘okeyy’

i might sound cold but it’s just that i don’t really care.

This is my life if you’re gonna judge me go ahead i don’t care… I won’t care, this is my life just mind your own business

you have the permission to judge me but i didn’t give you any consent to hurt me…easy as that

so be happy with who you are…god created us through his likings.

people can judge GOD but shouldnt judge GOD while God can and will judge you.



The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

postWell…I don’t really know where to start….

My life is pretty messed up. I’m depressed. I treated life carelessly. I never really care about it…if i die it’s okay. nobody will miss me after all I’m just a stupid careless teenager who have no purpose.

That’s what i thought about life.My life. no one love me. no one care for me. they would be happy without me. I’m just a nuisance after all. A trouble maker.

Then one day I just thought I’m tired. I don’t care.

but i do care.

i care.

My life is a movie. A Cinderella movie.

I need to face Hardships in order to be strong.

I need to mess up in order to learn.

I need to trust God that my life is a blessing….

that i shouldn’t waste it.

that i need to treasure it.

my life is a blessing